Justin Parker

Justin Parker is a professional photographer and has been in the industry since 2007. He attended the University of Georgia. Justin combines his passion for photography and his interest in writing to give life to this blog which talks about photography in order to help and inspire young photographers.

How do You Use a Green Screen For Product Photography? (A Complete Guide)

Given the current demand for online shopping, product photography has become as important as the product itself. People don’t see the product anymore; they only see the photos and decide what they want based on these photos. This is why product photography is currently on the rise. And the most important thing about product photography

How do You Use a Green Screen For Product Photography? (A Complete Guide) Read More »

Best Tips for Glass Photography (on both black and white backgrounds)

Glass photography on both black and white backgrounds

If you’re a photographer or aspiring to be one, you must already know how nail-biting it is to work with glass. Your work can quickly become as tricky as ever, with the main subject reflecting in the wrong ways. The result will be a poor photograph because you don’t know all about the lighting and

Best Tips for Glass Photography (on both black and white backgrounds) Read More »