Hiking Poses for Instagram (with Photographs)

Hiking Poses for Instagram
A girl looks at the mountains from the top of the hill

Are you a wanderlust-driven person? Are you trying to spice up your Instagram page with some travel pictures of your hiking trip? Well, we will tell you how to strike the perfect pose when on a hike.

Now that summer’s back, it’s time for the perfect hiking shot to capture this momentous experience forever. But one problem with hiking photography that persists is how you can make exciting poses for the shoot. So let’s see all that you can for that camera-perfect, pose-perfect shot!

How Should I Pose for Hiking Pictures?

Instagram is all about vibes and aesthetics, whereas hiking is all about the rough experience of a fantastic experience in nature. It would be best to become a magician to adopt both styles and make one perfect shot.

Do not Forget the Sunset

Photo of a hiker standing in front of a beautiful sunset
Taking photographs standing in front of a beautiful sunset

The best way of posing is to stand in front of a beautiful sunset and take a silhouette shot in the beautiful color composition around you.

Make Your Hands Look Busy

Hiker standing on mountain top with showing her scarf
A pose for a hiking photo with a busy hand with a scarf

The most common pose for a photograph is to create a focus on your hands. For example, you could hold your scarf in your hands and let it fly with the hiking trail in the background.

You can even create this pose at the top of the hike with the enormous view and compare shots to see which one is better for your Instagram feed.

Strike a Pose with Your Hat

Girl in hat sitting on hill
A girl strikes a pose with his hat

A hand on your hand with another stretched above makes for a great and vibrant picture. It could also depict that you’re excited about the hiking trail.

Take a Perfect Sitting Pose

A Woman Raising Her Both Arms while sitting on a top of rock at mountain
A woman sits on a rock in perfect posture

Strike a pose on the big rock you found in the middle of your hike trail and take a picture of you sitting on the rock. Make it your think rock!

Glance Sideways Shot

A glance sideways shot of a man Standing on Rock
A man standing on a rock in 1/3rd of the frame

Haven’t we all clicked this picture where we stare into the abyss sideways? This shot also captures your side profiles perfectly. You can even stand in 1/3rd of the frame and keep the hiking trail as a background.

The Suitcase for Hiking Shot

Man Sitting on Top of Gray Cliff Mountain Beside Backpack, Water Bottle, and Camera
A boy sitting on top of a cliff mountain beside a backpack, and his essentials

You can click a pre-travel photograph of your bag or pack the suitcase with the essential things in your hands. 

Make Your Friends Tag along with You

Hiking pose tag alone with friends
Tag friends with a hiking pose

If somebody does tag along with you, include them in a picture with both of you turning your backs from the camera and raising your hands in full fun mode. It makes for a fantastic concept.

Look into a Far Distance

A Woman is looking into far while Enjoying the View from the Mountain top
A Girl is looking into the far distance from the mountaintop

For example, you could click this right at the top of your hiking trail and turn your back to the camera while you stare far into the majestic view from the top. You can even hold a prop like a scarf or a hat to show your ecstatic mood.

A Food-Devouring Shot

Eating Sandwiches at hiking trial
A food-devouring shot

If you packed some lunch for the hike, capture this moment. Take a photo of you eating the food, such as biting on the sandwich or fruit. Include a personal touch in the photograph.

Shine in the Light

Man Posing on Top of a Mountain with the sun kissed picture
A Shine in the Light photograph of a man standing on top of a mountain

If you get lucky, you could lick a photo in the dusky light for a sun-kissed picture for the Instafeed. Get all that sun-kissed pictures here with the perfect lighting.

Capture the Landscape

 Landscape photo with a man sitting on rock at mountain
A landscape photo

With a tinier version of you in the picture, capture the large landscape around you. This shot is an obvious but very crucial one.

Accentuate the Hiking Trail

Holding a leaf in front of the hiking trail to highlight the hiking trail
Accentuate the hiking trail by focusing on a leaf

Imagine you’re walking upward when you notice a pretty flower or a plant that you have to capture at all costs. Please focus on the object you’re trying to capture and blur the surroundings to make it a perfect shot.

A View from the Top

A man is looking from the top of a mountain
A photograph of a man view from the top of a mountain

Now that you have reached the top, take the viewer’s picture. Include yourself with your back or front from the top of the hiking trail. You can be sitting here as well.

The Natural Walk Moment

A man walking on hiking trail between trees
Man walking on a hiking trail

Tell somebody to capture from behind while you walk on the trail. Walk photos make amazing shots with an excellent composition in which the background is clicked.

Hiking Poses for Instagram – Men

Walk the Trail

A Man Hiking a Forest
A man walking on trial and looking sideways

Man can make great poses while walking and looking sideways along the course for a crazy good photograph.

Lean Against the Tree or a Rock

A hiker Leaning on a Rock Formation
A man is leaning on a rock formation

Leaning poses are known to be professional poses that models often make. Now imagine imitating the same pose in beautiful nature. What a lovely shot that would make.

Jacket Over Shoulder Pose

Holding a coat over one’s shoulder is yet another pose men can make, and you can keep your camera gear in hand while you make this pose in the middle of the hiking trail or at the top.

The Hand-In-Hair Pose

A hiker holding his hair at top of mountain
A hand-in-hair pose of a man

This pose may make you look intimidating, but that’s the whole purpose. Imagine a beautiful sunset and flora as a background with you rummaging your hands through your hair—what a relaxed pose and composition.

Hiking Poses for Instagram – Women

Silhouette Accentuating Your Curves with a Sunset

Take a beautiful silhouette accentuating your curves with a sunset in the background. Imagine what a lovely shot it would make for you to capture.

A silhouette pose for women at hiking
A silhouette photo of a woman accentuating her curves with a sunset in the background

Tilt Your Head and Hair to One Side

Tilt your head and hair to one side and take a photograph of the beautiful green around you.

A girl with her hair to one side sitting on the rock in the mountains
A pose for the girl till her hair to one side

Take Candids

Take candids while your model smells the flowers, looks at the trees, leans on the trees, etc. Candids are the best pose for any photograph.

A girl looking at tree while hiking
A girl is looking at trees

Front View of Walking the Trail Upwards

Walk the trail upwards while somebody clicks you from the front. This pose has a similarity but is a great pose nevertheless.

a photo taking from a front view of a woman hiking in forest
A front-view photo of a girl walking the trail upwards

Do Something Natural

Capture your photo while you do something natural such as smelling a flower, writing a journal, or hiding behind a tall tree.

A girl writing her journal while leaning on a rock in the mountain
A girl writing her journal on the mountain

Tug on Your Hat and Close Your Eyes

Tug on your hat and close your eyes for a passport-size photograph that you should click in landscape mode, taking in all the nature in the background.

A women tug on her hat and close her eyes.
A girl tugs on her hat and closes her eyes at the mountain

Hiking Poses for Instagram – Couples

Holding Hands

Couple poses are the most straightforward task ever. Make for some couple shots such as holding hands with your back to the camera and the tall trees in the background.

Back view of a couple holding hands with tall trees background
A couple holding hands with tall trees backdrop

Sunset Background

Sitting on a rock at sunset, or kiss before the Sunset and capture the silhouette both make in the background. Such a romantic pose and photograph that would make.

Couple sitting on top of a mountain at sunset
A couple sitting at sunset

Play Hide and Seek behind Trees

Play hide and seek behind trees and make somebody else take the picture for you from a distance.

Standing on the Top

Standing at the edge of the hiking trail on the top and get the best shot. 

Scenic photo of a couple standing on edge of cliff
A couple standing at the edge of the hiking trail on the top

Sitting Together Looking at Each Other

Capture both of you sitting together looking at each other with a super fantastic view in the background.

A couple Sitting on Rock Formation and looking at each other
Sitting together looking at each other with a super fantastic view


Photography is all about your creativity and how you can make the most out of your surroundings. Hike photography is a fantastic experience if you like hiking and photographing. However, you must take care of your camera equipment and carry things you are sure you can move on those long hikes as they get tiring as you keep walking upwards.

Do not fear the whole purpose of hiking and enjoy the photo session. Also, remember to plan and aim for a sunset-filled sky when you hike. Finally, make the trail look aesthetic in your pictures and wear contrasting colors so that you stand as a separate object against the pastel colors of nature.