Best moon photography apps

It is thrilling to shoot the Moon since there are so many ways to do it. With a telephoto lens, you may snap a photo of the Moon on its own and get a close-up of its large craters. The Moon may be included in creating an attractive landscape or picture.

Below tutorial video provides knowledge about the best mobile application for moon photography.

What are the Best moon photography apps

The night sky was very mesmerizing. It is frustrating when you bring out your phone to snap a photo, and nothing is there.

Unfortunately, even the most cutting-edge camera technology fails to capture the entire range of images that the human eye can see.

It is possible to acquire a clear picture of the night sky, though, with the help of specialized applications.

Furthermore, astrophotography fans might find other free programs on this subject. Check out the top astrophotography apps in this post.

1. Sky View

In terms of stargazing applications, skyview is the most popular one. It lets you capture images of the night sky, but it also gives you access to a wealth of knowledge about the many stars that can be found there.

By watching the following video, you can get an idea about the different features of this app.

Different options and features in SkyView app

Moreover, you may utilize the camera on the phone to identify the star maps. 

Using your phone’s camera, you must aim it towards the 3D projection of a star that the software makes. If you touch on a specific star, you will be sent to a page with more details.

Your desired constellations will be generated automatically by Sky View based on the constellations you choose in the preferences.

In addition, the planets are included. Many websites, databases, and other resources make it easy to find the data you need.

There is no need to be concerned about the accuracy of the stars, planets, or asteroids shown here since all of the information has been independently confirmed. 

Additionally, Sky View is a breeze to use since all of the information is organized and categorized so that even complete novices can quickly identify the most critical places.

Even if you merely want to capture images of the night sky, a premium membership will allow you to access additional information about the galaxy.

More importantly, the app is available in both android and iPhone versions.

2. PhotoPills

Following is a photograph of moon captured thanks to photopills app.

A photo of the full moon captured with Photopills app
A photo of the full moon captured with Photopills app

However, this is an edited version of the original photo.

Photography software like PhotoPills is hard to beat. One may benefit from each “Pill” or instrument.

The Milky Way, the Sun, and the Moon will all be at your fingers. Star trails & meteor showers may also be captured using the supplied tools.

You may also use this app’s exposure guide for various purposes. A depth-of-focus calculator and depth-of-field tools are just a few options available.

Use the app’s time-lapse calculator to determine how many photographs you need to capture. Then, you may use it to lay out your shots of star trails.

When you hold your iPhone in front of your eyes, augmented reality appears.

The Sun, the Moon, or Milky Way may be dragged across the sky. You will be able to see precisely when the thing will be in its proper place using this—overwhelmed by all the options.

The PhotoPills Academy, on the other hand, will guide you through all of the functions.

3. Sky Portal

When you aim your camera towards the night sky, it does not open the map of the cloudy sky like the other applications on this list.

As a result, if you solely want to capture night sky images, this is the camera for you.

However, the app’s functionality is unaffected by the app’s outdated UI design. Additionally, Sky Portal has a beautiful 2D map.

If you want to learn more about the constellations, you may do so through the app so that each star will be designated with a symbol. When you click on it, you will be sent to the information page about it. There are both audio and written versions available. 

This software is not the ideal option for individuals entirely unfamiliar with the subject matter. There is also an element of a microscope, compass, or focus in this software.

Sky Portal has an exciting feature where you can enter the name of your area and get information on the brightest stars, which you can view from that location.

To summarise, Sky Portal is a must resource for astronomy fans everywhere.

In addition, if you want to know about taking sharpness moon photos. I have an article on how do I take sharp moon photos. I think it is really helpful for you.

4. Dark Sky Finder

If you want to take a telescope, view a meteor shower, or relax beneath the night sky, Dark Sky Finder can assist. Check out maps showing light pollution across the world and dots that indicate excellent viewing sites. 

Anybody may add an excellent observation location—for example, a city space with really no bright lights—and write a few lines about it to aid other neighbourhood individuals seeking a dark place. 

For successful astrophotography, adequate illumination is just as important as good weather.

Using this software, you can get a sense of where the ideal spots are for shooting about light pollution on a typical map.

5. ProCam X

You can get full control over many features like exposure, focus, etc. In addition, you can record videos in high resolution.

I recommend you to watch this video to get a clear idea on how you can use this app to capture moon.

If you are interested, android users can download the app here.

6. Atmospheric

For astrophotographers, Astrosphere is among the most OK weather forecast applications.

Weather data may be found in this app. Whether you’re hoping for a clear sky or hoping to see a beautiful sunset, we can help.

For a particular area, this app provides cloud cover predictions. Astrosphere goes beyond the typical weather app. It is a resource for photographers. Thus, it is packed with photography-related material. 

It predicts the effects of smoke, altitude, surface pressure, and wind turbulence on the atmosphere and how they will interact.

Rather than relying just on low cloud cover, dark sky photographers seek the best possible atmospheric transparency.

The data is presented in a table using a color-coded system for ease of understanding. In addition, a map overlay is a good option.

You may also use an overlay to locate regions with minimal light pollution. In addition, the service is completely free.

7. Long Exposure Camera 2

A fantastic method for capturing light from the motion of an object in the sky.

Extraneous features that may or may not be helpful are not to be found here. Setting a timer and leaving the phone on it for a period is necessary for creating a photograph. 

There are not many editing options in the app, but it’s still quite capable of taking stunning images of the night sky.

Please remember that a good shot will not be marred by blurry or choppy images taken with your phone’s camera. You may save your images in a variety of various sizes.

Positive user feedback and a lack of excessive advertising are already strong points in favor of this app.

8. Clear Outside

Clear Outside’s free weather app can locate the bright night sky. It provides predictions for weather conditions, including visibility, sky clarity, and visibility conditions.

The hourly quantity of low, medium and high-altitude cloud cover is included.

Depending on where you are, the app may show you various data. Everything you need to arrange your photo shoot is on one convenient table.

9. Night Mode Camera (Photo and Video)

We recommend this one if you are looking for apps that allow you to shoot stunning nighttime photos of the stars. The Night Mode Camera app isn’t widely advertised, but it’s worth trying.

Android users can download the app in play store.

Open Night Photography Mode on your phone and attempt to shoot a photo at dusk, no matter how bad your phone’s camera is. 

Well, I have a comprehensive guide about night sky photography with phone in this blog. If you’re interested, you can read it.

The results ought to be superior to those obtained with a standard camera; however, there is a chance that this program will not function with specific older models. In addition, a wide range of filters, settings, and lighting options are available inside the app. 

In seconds, you may make changes to the final product. Because of the lack of frills like many unintelligible labels and buttons, the interface is not worth mentioning.

The program options are broad, allowing you to tailor the apps to your requirements. 

This is especially beneficial when photographing the night sky at night. To get the most outstanding results from this app, you will need a tripod or a surface to rest your phone on.

This is a Smartphone app for taking pictures of the night sky for a reasonable price.


When planning your night sky photography, using the tools above might make things a lot simpler. We hope this information has been helpful to you.